Leilani Perritt
Health Data Analyst
Louisiana Center for Bleeding & Clotting Disorders (LCBCD)
Leilani is a New Orleans native who received a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Southern University at New Orleans in May 2017. She proceeded to receive a Master of Public Health concentration in Epidemiology, Louisiana State University Health Science Center. During the process of earning her master’s degree, she interned with the Louisiana Department of Health STD/ HIV/ Hepatitis Program (SHHP), in 2020. Shortly after the internship, she obtained a teaching position at St. Mary’s Academy in 2020 as a High School Mathematics Teacher. Taught all math subjects including Algebra, Geometry, Precalculus, Calculus, and non math related subject.
In 2022, she joined the LCBCD and presumed the responsibilities of the Health Analyst Data. As a Health Analyst Data, she is responsible for providing database maintenance and analysis for the Hemophilia Treatment Center and working with ATHN to improve care and support vital research by having standardized data in a secure environment. Additionally, she reports data for HRSA and CDC grants.
While working at St. Mary’s Academy, she became the moderator for the Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society, where they compete in mathematical competitions as well as PI Day (3/14). She was also a cheerleader throughout the majority of her life and continues her cheerleading career as a coach for St. Mary’s Academy High School as well as a coach for the New Orleans Venom All stars.