Subodh Pethe
Technology Manager
Louisiana Center for Bleeding & Clotting Disorders (LCBCD)
Subodh received his first computer, a Commodore Vic-20, after watching William Shatner advertise it on TV. Ever since, it has been his ongoing mission to help users solve their technology problems. He spent almost all the 1990s working at RadioShack, which was known as America’s Technology Store. Shortly after, he worked in medical, legal, construction and oil and gas companies.
Over the years, he has learned to always listen to what the users are saying, always order the lasagna on airplanes and keep learning something new every day. He is looking forward to integrating all the innovative technologies to better serve our patients.
During his spare time, he is currently working with his family’s rescue black lab mix to earn a canine good citizen certificate. She is 7 years old, so this is a great example of teaching an old dog, new tricks.