Physical Therapy

Kenneth “Ken” Martin, PT
As a component of our multidisciplinary Comprehensive Care Clinic, physical therapy is offered to our patients as we know Hemophilia and other bleeding disorders often impact the muscles and joints of an individual. Our physical therapists, are highly trained and experienced in providing specialized consultations for our clients during a comprehensive visit to our clinic. Assistance is given to each individual, whether by identifying joint bleeds or advising activity during and following a bleed. Education is provided on how to minimize risk and injury when beginning a new exercise program or sports activity. When more intensive outpatient physical therapy is prescribed, our physical therapy team will coordinate with and provide specific advice to community therapists that may not have extensive experience with treating bleeding disorders.
Point of Care Ultrasound examinations enables the team to have a detailed picture of the interior of the joint. We may be able to detect and measure a joint bleed, as well as determine the health and integrity of the bone and cartilage. This provides an amazing educational experience for each client to visualize his or her own joint and any changes it may have or have not gone through. The ultrasound imaging enables us to alter and upgrade the patient’s treatment regimen to ensure he or she preserves and maintains good joint health. Our physical therapy team provide patients with the most current and evidence-based tools in order for them to experience their best physical health and enjoy the activities they desire.